"A Growth Mindset"
Before I knew that this would be a topic covered in any module this year, during lockdown the overall topic of self-help, mindsets and mental strategies became a big topic of my life, even before this pandemic it was, but since this has all unfolded this year it's at the front of my mind. But, before today I've never heard of Carol Dweck, but I have heard and read about both growth and fixed mindsets. During lockdown I read a book called "Commit", written by a highly qualified mental strength coach Enda McNulty. This is a topic I really believe in, and believe that to be successful in any aspect of life it all starts with a mindset that is positive and one that is constant training just like any other muscle in your body. I believe you should train your mind more than the rest of your body, which will help develop all others areas of life.
I know that now I have a "Growth Mindset", in the past I have been full of self doubt, depressing thoughts and was prone to negative thinking when minor things went wrong, I'd always asked the world "Why me". But now I know that just trying to be positive in bad situations can change your mental state and slowly progress to having a constant mindset that is all about growth and positivity.
I know for a fact that a growth mindset leads to success in all different disciplines from professional sports to software development. A growth mindset is what gets successful people up earlier than the rest so they have more time to grow mentally but physically also, whether it's getting up that bit earlier to read a few chapters of a book, or go for a run or to the gym before work, making the time count. This is a topic that gets me excited, because it's a way for me to give the the mental edge over others, and helps me believe what I'm working for is possible no matter how crazy.
My mental goals for this semester, and for the entire year are to just keep reading, training and exercising my mind, be positive in times of doubt and uncertainty, and overall trying to be as happy as possible as much as possible.
Image from wikimedia link here.
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