"Games MDA"
Each week I prepare myself for more reading, when that time comes around I tell myself I'm prepared, but I'm not, this is mainly because what I'm reading is new to me. Game design and development gets more in-depth each week, as I start to wrap my head around what we researched last week, my brain gets left hooked with more in-depth information about the next stage of developing a game. This week we had to read about "Games MDA", which stands for Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics. The two articles to read were both very long, so getting through them both took me a while, I find it hard to concentrate.
Both articles went very in depth into what Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics meant. One of the biggest things that was repeated through both articles and the provided YouTube video on the "cdmonline" site was that no of them work without the other, they all need each other to function, if not it's back to the drawing board and you will have to start from scratch. The video explained it very well, other than the mans voice was a bit hard to understand. He said that the mechanics will directly effect the games dynamic, which will in had play a part in the games aesthetic. In the video he made a point about horror games that sums up the whole message of the MDA frame. He said if the horror game is not scary enough, you can't directly create scariness by changing how the player feels during game play, you have to go back to the basis of the game and re-think how the mechanics are interlocked together with the dynamics and how that translates to the aesthetics, which will in had change how the player feels.
From the reading and watching this week, it made me start thinking about how I want the player to feel during game play because then I will now how to design the mechanics and dynamics to how the game should make you feel, which was a completely different approach to the one I was planning on taking, I was just going to jump straight in to how it worked without thinking about other factors and how they would effect the final product.

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