Game Design:
First of all before reading the articles we were given to read this week, I've always had respect for game designers I wasn't blind to the fact that the job was not difficult, or was a person who say "Stop complaining, you only play on your computer all day". But after reading those articles and studies I have more respect for game designers than ever. What I got from "What is A Game Anyway" was that everyone has a different opinion on what's a game or what isn't, like the ongoing argument that dance isn't a sport, I never didn't say scrabble is a game, Grand Theft Auto is not. I think anything that makes you think or challenges you is some sort of game, or as it says in the article, " it' within a game".
After reading the study on the ideation of game creation, I realized that a lot of game designers have the same or not similar routines to other creatives such as actors, screenwriters and directors. However, most people wouldn't put the best game designer on the same level as an award winning director because they don't know the process. From reading how these people come up with ideas, like their brainstorming, just getting in the shower and hoping for and idea or having brainstorming sessions make me want to see how I can text my creativity and see what ideas I can come up with, whether I'm just standing in the shower or just out for a walk. Also, it seems like a carrier that if you had a very creative and wild childhood, it would be an advantage to your work but would be great to always try and remember t he fun times you had a a child to build a career.
The last article was good in different ways as it gave you the tools to be creative and come up with ideas, rather then being told what others have done. Listing what you can do under each ideation strategy was good to read, explain different methods to expand your mind to come up with something new is something you can do for any industry not just the gaming, or "new" industry. The Ramsey method was something I've never heard of but seems very interesting and I'd love to learn more about it, it's basically becoming obsessed with something until you realize something new or find links connecting it with something you've already known or something similar.
Thanks for reading, hope you liked me talk about something I don't know much about, until next time, Peace!!!, here's the link to the photo..
Hi Aaron, nice blog and good to see your understanding of the readings, there really is a lot to game design and it’s hard to get your head around some of it but we are all learning, I hope your game you are planning to create is coming along well and best of luck with the rest of the semester:). - Nathan