Friday, 12 February 2021

Unity Tutorial 2

"Unity Tutorial 2" 

I wasn't looking forward to do this weeks Unity tutorial because I got really confused at the end of last weeks when we had to repeat the last three steps to slice the different environments into 9 and then move them into the tiles folder, but I found videos online and got it all sorted and I got into the swing of things and this week I actually got ahead of the weekly tutorials and I plan to spend the weekend getting ahead so I won't have to do it each week. It would be nice to get them all done as soon as possible.

At the beginning I was not happy because I was afraid I would just get confused over the simplest things and then I would be unmotivated to finish and then I'd just get all stressed about not having things done on time and would have to spend my entire Sunday stressing about getting the unity work done.

Image Source: Unity Screenshot(From Laptop)

It took me a while to figure everything out and making all the different prefabs and adding rigidbody's and going back and forth the to scripts making sure nothing was wrong but something was and that's why make character wouldn't move all of a sudden then I got mad. After looking at the script for ages I realized what was wrong and it was so basic, if I had just left the screen for a few minutes and came back with fresh eyes it probably wouldn't have taken me so long to figure out. 

Near the end when I saw everything working I was pretty pleased with the results because it's a cool thing to see everything come together after things going so wring for a lot of the time and having to go back steps to make sure I had everything write. I'm really happy I got it done and the quicker I finish all these the better.  

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