Sunday, 28 February 2021

Unity Tutorial 04

 Unity Tutorial 4

This week we had to work away with more unity tutorials as a part of our weekly multi dev tasks, this week the next two tutorials we had to finish was "world interactions-projectiles" and "camera-cinemachine".  Both of these unity tutorials had roughly about twelve or thirteen sections to complete each, which is very time consuming. The estimated time to complete each tutorial is one hour, I find just reading tutorials very difficult so sometimes it takes me a good bit longer than an hour because I always have to read something again if I don't understand, but I normally don't understand what to do after reading the paragraph over and over again. 

Image Source: Unity Screenshot from laptop

In this weeks unity tutorials we went a lot in depth about animations and learned how different things connected together. Something I found difficult was I added the projectile prefab to Ruby's script but it wouldn't show up in the inspector when I had to ad the projectile into it but I got it sorted in the end just took longer than it should I was reviewing my code over and over again but it just wouldn't appear and nothing was added into the script incorrectly. Another thing that was a bit hard during having to read it was the physics system, trying to understand that confused me so that part wasn't very fun. A always I can't wait to never have to do unity tutorials ever again.

Saturday, 27 February 2021

Domains of Play Reading week 05


Image Source: Pixabay

This weeks reading task wasn't anywhere near a difficult as the previous weeks having to do all that research and write up ten different annotated bibliographies, I found so difficult because it was so new.
This weeks task was to go over all the annotated bibliographies and pick out the main themes that are occurring through out the writing which I'll then be using in the main project when we have to contribute to a chapter in the online E-book type academic paper. So starting off I went and re-read the bibliographies that we wrote in the previous exercises, then I highlighted the different topics or themes that stood out while reading each bibliography. I decided to highlight different themes using different colours. The first recurring theme that appeared in each paper was the "behavior associated with video game play", which I highlighted in a light blue colour. The second theme was "cognitive ability", I highlighted anything in relation to that in pink. The third theme that appeared was "personality traits", I highlighted those points using green. This makes it a lot easier to see what paragraph mentions what.

Saturday, 20 February 2021

Analysis "Reading 04"

 Image source: Redux Entertainment

This weeks reading task was a lot harder than last week simply because of the amount of reading and digging through so many academic journals to find one you want to write about, I was getting really annoyed because of the amount of times I liked the idea of a journal and thought I could meet the word count easily but a lot of the studies I was looking at were not peer reviewed studies so I wasn't sure or not if I was able to use them or if they'd be reliable enough to use for my college work.

I'm still getting used to using the college library system when it comes to advanced searching and exporting to refworks but I'm getting used to doing it. I wasn't so happy when I refined my search in the college database like I was showed to by refining the search to "Harvard-college library", or whatever I put in and the search went from over one hundred thousand to just three!!! Just three, that's just great is what I said to myself, so much to work with. It took me along time to figure out what studies I wanted to use, and some of those things are too long, I'm serious if I'm expected to read stuff like that next year I don't know what I'd do, I definitely wouldn't last long, I chose this course for the lack of reading and writing because I suck at both and I'm a very slow reader so it makes reading these huge, long articles way for enjoyable!!.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Unity Tutorial 03

 Unity Tutorial( Collectibles & Damage Zones)

In this weeks unity tutorials we were adding to the game, after doing this weeks unity tasks I realized how some parts of games I actually play work. So in these tutorials we were adding things like strawberries, for example. This weeks first tutorial was called collectibles, so we had to put things in place to for the character, this being Ruby to collect as she makes her way through the map. The main goal for this tutorial was to add to Ruby's health within the game. So the first thing we had to do was add a health stat to Ruby, most of the beginning of this tutorial was done using visual studio adding code to make the health stats appear in the game.

So by the end of this when ruby walked into a strawberry, her health went up by 1 out of 5, and each time she walked through the fruit her health improved. At the beginning of damage zones and enemies we had to reset Ruby's health to start at 1.Then we had to add the damage zone, this is where Ruby walks and she will get injured leading to a decrease in health in the game. We did this by making changes in the sprite renderer, scaling the game Object and a 2D Box Collider.

Image source: Unity Screenshot

Then we had to add the enemy into the game, to do this you had to download the png file from unity and import it into the game and convert it to a sprite. You don't add any movement to the enemy until next weeks tutorials.

Sunday, 14 February 2021

"5 Domains of Play "Reading 03



This was my first time using the college library system so I was a bit nervous if I was going to find it difficult or not. I had major problems at the beginning of trying to do this weeks writing task because I had to reset my password, and it didn't go so well. I had to make around 30 different passwords because everyone I put in it said "this password is to easy to guess", or along those lines. So before I had started I wanted to quit. I was able to use refworks for the first two bibliographies but I wasn't able to access the college database because of the passwords situation. 

I'm writing this on Sunday morning at 12:15, I would like to of had this done last night, but you already know why that wasn't possible. Eventually I got it sorted this morning and go them done. I t was confusing learning about the different referencing types because it's new to me, I had to watch back our lecture with Lindsey to learn how to use the library database so it's taken longer than planned to get it done, so hopefully I did the work right.

As of right now I'm not really enjoying thinking out the writing tasks in the coming weeks, but I guess once I understand them and know how to source the information more easily I won't be to annoyed thinking about doing it, then I'd rather just get it done.


Friday, 12 February 2021

Unity Tutorial 2

"Unity Tutorial 2" 

I wasn't looking forward to do this weeks Unity tutorial because I got really confused at the end of last weeks when we had to repeat the last three steps to slice the different environments into 9 and then move them into the tiles folder, but I found videos online and got it all sorted and I got into the swing of things and this week I actually got ahead of the weekly tutorials and I plan to spend the weekend getting ahead so I won't have to do it each week. It would be nice to get them all done as soon as possible.

At the beginning I was not happy because I was afraid I would just get confused over the simplest things and then I would be unmotivated to finish and then I'd just get all stressed about not having things done on time and would have to spend my entire Sunday stressing about getting the unity work done.

Image Source: Unity Screenshot(From Laptop)

It took me a while to figure everything out and making all the different prefabs and adding rigidbody's and going back and forth the to scripts making sure nothing was wrong but something was and that's why make character wouldn't move all of a sudden then I got mad. After looking at the script for ages I realized what was wrong and it was so basic, if I had just left the screen for a few minutes and came back with fresh eyes it probably wouldn't have taken me so long to figure out. 

Near the end when I saw everything working I was pretty pleased with the results because it's a cool thing to see everything come together after things going so wring for a lot of the time and having to go back steps to make sure I had everything write. I'm really happy I got it done and the quicker I finish all these the better.  

Saturday, 6 February 2021

Unity Tutorial 1(Semester 2)

 "2D Tutorial 1"

This was the first time using unity since semester 1, and I can tell you I wasn't looking forward to it but I wanted to get ahead so I bit the bullet and just started, and it wasn't that bad. After starting this semesters unity tutorials I noticed there were some slight differences between this semester and last semesters tutorials. The first difference was that were are developing a 2D project instead of a 3D game, and the second difference was there was no in-depth video tutorials as there was last semester. 

Some things I found enjoyable was that I didn't find it too difficult, and it got me thinking that from completing this last semester I might get through these tutorials a bit quicker and with less meltdowns. It had me making and placing different images and tiles into folders and I just found it hard to keep up with, I think video would be good in those circumstances, just to be more clear.

I'm really looking forward to getting all these tutorials done because I know we will have a lot of work this semester and getting these weekly tutorials done will give me a lot times to work on other modules and this modules' reading and writing tasks are going to be difficult too.

Image source: Unity Screenshot
I guess there's one positive to take away from this first tutorial is that now I know a lot about tilemaps, and sprite renderers, so I can take these skills out into the real world.

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Writing Planning(5 DOMAINS OF PLAY)

 Planning for Writing:

For the first week of the semester we made a group google doc and we brainstormed our ideas for topics/themes that we would be interested in writing for each individual part of the end of semester book. Today we finalized the topics we were going to be writing about. My original topic of choice was simulation games including V.R & A.R. It was suggested that it might be hard to find the quality of papers on these topics for the amount of information expected so this morning during the lecture I changed mine to the "5 domains of play", and after a quick search there was a lot of articles and papers written about it so I went with that.

We met with a librarian from college today and we were shown how to use the college websites to access books and eBooks for research. We were also shown how to use the college network to use RefWorks to use to source information we need to write bibliographies. We also learned how to use keywords to find what we need and how to narrow the search results down by adding "inverted commas" after we were shown how to use google scholar to find reliable information for our topics. 

Images source: My google doc
After looking at the provided review matrix, I found it difficult to wrap head around, so I think I'll mainly use refworks for my research but I might go back and fourth between a self made matrix I'll make on excel. I'm confident that I'll find enough research to write my part of the chapter in the book, since there no word count I'm not as worried because I won't have to spend ages trying to stretch out the information I have, which I think can decrease the value of work done.

Here's some links of interest for my topic I found helpful.
Link 1:

Link 2:

Link 3:

Reading 10-"Doing"

 "Reading week 10" For this week reading task we had to work on the e-book or digital book the entire year group is working togeth...